"Moving to the United States"

                    Even though my mother and some family members didn't want me and my mother to move to the U.S because the journey was just to risky, we did it for a better life style and a better education for myself. My mom and I were so scared because we were facing a really difficult challenge. The fact of moving to the U.S was so exciting for me because everybody kept on telling me how great America was. It was set, at the age of five me and my mother moved to the U.S.  
                   The reason why we decided to move to the U.S was because we wanted a better life style. My parents were tired of working so hard and not having almost anything. They wanted a better opportunity for me as well. My parents wanted me to have a good quality education. Unfortunately I was to young to realize how important it was for my parents and myself. All I wanted to do was play and have a good time with my friends.
                     My parents would always tell me to study hard and that I would be someone important. They were always giving me advices and telling me to started working hard. I would always remember them setting next to me helping me do my homework and projects. My parents would always be so patient with me because they knew it was difficult for me to learn a second languish. After having all bad grades in elementary school, I figure out the importance of going to school and having good grades. I started working hard and started to get good grades in every class.
                      At the end, All the hard work and sacrifices my parents did for my paid of. I graduated from high school and I'm attending to college. My parents don't worry about me that much anymore. They know I'm a hardworking person and would do what ever I can to be the best person possible. Now I think them for never giving up on me and teaching me the importance of a good education.      


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